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What Do We Believe?

What Do We Believe?

As Disciples, we believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, and we claim him as our Lord and Savior. That is the only “creed” we share and the statement of faith we ask people to make when they join our community. The nuances of that statement vary from person to person.

Beyond that, Disciples are encouraged to study scripture and pray, and engage in practices such as service and stewardship, as part of a lifelong process of spiritual growth. While each person’s spiritual journey is their own, we do all this within the context of community – for support, accountability, and enrichment. No one is told what they must believe, but all of us have the benefit of hearing others’ perspectives. This means that our congregation contains a wide spectrum of theologies, so openness and respect for a diversity of viewpoints are essential. We aim to feed the soul, without disconnecting the mind!

Since our founding, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has ordained both men and women. At VLM, we welcome all into fellowship, service, and leadership, hoping to match each person’s gifts with the varied tasks of building up Christ’s church.

Opportunities to grow in your faith and learn more about what it means to be a “disciple of Christ” abound. Join us in worship on Sunday mornings, attend a study group, or engage in hands-on learning through one of our outreach projects.

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